Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Murder for the Sages by Amy Lillard

 A Murder for the Sages

Book Summary

Twenty-something advice columnist and amateur sleuth Sissy Yoder loves helping out at her Aunt Bethel’s Sunflower Café in Yoder, Kansas. It connects her to family, to the close-knit community—and to the suspicious events that always seem to bubble beneath small-town life . . .

The unusual death of local herb farmer, Ginger Reed, is the talk of Yoder. Naturally, Sissy is intrigued. The official report classifies Ginger’s demise as an accident, concluding that she ran herself over with a tractor. But Sissy’s cousin, Naomi, a friend and longtime employee of Ginger’s, insists that’s impossible. When she asks for Sissy’s help in unearthing the truth, Sissy’s on the case—accompanied as ever by her loyal Yorkie companion, Duke . . . 
The deeper Sissy digs, the longer the list of suspects grows—and none of them are Ginger. Near the top is Ginger’s resentful sister-in-law, Mallory. Next is Naomi’s brother, Lloyd, who’s bitter about the oil derrick presumably pumping black gold from Ginger’s land—land that once belonged to his family. Naomi herself could be a suspect—it’s her tractor, after all. But the investigation stalls when Naomi makes a shocking turnaround in her story. Is she lying? And if so, why? Then a missing dog, a desperate lawyer, and a teenage con artist are added to the mix, and the puzzle becomes hopelessly complicated. If Sissy doesn’t solve it quickly, she’ll be lost in the weeds as a killer reaps a deadly harvest . . .

My Thoughts

A Murder for the Sages by Amy Lillard is the third A Sunflower Café Mystery.  It can be read as a standalone for those who are new to the series.  This is a lighthearted story with plenty of humor.  Sissy Yoder does not believe the local herb farmers death was an accident.  It is not often that someone is run over by their own tractor.  Sissy’s cousin, Naomi insists it was impossible and wants Sissy to ferret out the truth.  Sissy, of course, is intrigued and decides to do a little snooping around.  Sissy’s job at The Sunflower Café allows her to hear the latest gossip.  The more Sissy digs, the more suspects she uncovers.  It is a fun mystery. I do feel there is too much repetition.  The same details and phrases do not need to be repeated excessively (an example is that Sissy works at the Sunflower Café). It begins to feel like filler.  I do know how Sissy endures her pushy and annoying mother.  Mrs. Yoder feels that Sissy is wasting her journalism degree by working at the café.  She is unaware that Sissy does have a syndicated column (the woman could not be trusted with that information—talk about loose lips).  There are a variety of quirky characters in the story.  Amy Lillard has a vivid imagination.  I love Sissy’s darling little dog, Duke.  I also find Sissy’s Chicken Coop to be darling (perfect for one person and a small dog). Yoder, Kansas has not been the same since Sissy has arrived. I wonder what Sissy will get up to next time.  

A Murder for the Sages can be obtained from Amazon*.  The first two books in A Sunflower Cafe Mysteries are Dairy, Dairy Quite Contrary and A Murder of Aspic Proportions.  Amy will have the novella Christmas Lily in Christmas Lily in A Lancaster Amish Christmas on August 15.  You can follow Amy Lillard on Amazon and they will send you an email when she has a new book release.  Thank you for visiting today.  I will be featuring An Amish Country Reunion by Patricia Johns tomorrow.  I hope that you have a cheerful day (we need more joy in our lives considering the political situation, gun violence, and all the other negative news).  Take care and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book.  I am not required to leave a review.  The comments and opinions expressed are strictly my own. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you.  Thank you for supporting The Avid Reader.  

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