Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Protector by Wanda E. Brunstetter

 The Protector
Book Summary

A Mysterious Disappearance Shakes an Amish Family’s Faith

In book one of A Mifflin County Mystery series, after a night out with her boyfriend, Rosa Petersheim has disappeared from the Big Valley without a trace. Norman Petersheim always considered himself his sister’s protector, and he can't believe she would have left home of her own accord. Clearly, he must have failed her. He throws all he has into helping the authorities search for Rosa, while trying to support his parents and siblings--who are struggling both mentally and physically. Salina Swarey loves Norman and hopes they are headed toward marriage, but his obsession with Rosa’s whereabouts is driving them apart. Can Norman find peace and contentment, even if he never learns where Rosa has gone?
My Thoughts

The Protector by Wanda E. Brunstetter is the first book in A Mifflin County Mysteries.  The Protector is different from this author’s other Amish novels.  The main character is Norman Petersheim who is determined to locate his missing sister, Rosa.  We get to see how Rosa’s disappearance affects the family.  The Petersheim family are sad and tense.  The mother is deeply affected by the loss of her eldest daughter (it’s like the rest of the kids do not matter).  Norman has appointed himself the protector of the family and he feels he has failed.  We get to know his every thought in detail.  It was too much, especially with the mother who was making herself sick, the angry father, and the self-absorbed sister.  I could certainly understand why Norman’s girlfriend was feeling neglected (more negativity).  I kept waiting for something positive and uplifting to happen.  I had a long wait.  The conclusion was unsatisfying because it was incomplete.  I admit that I am hesitant to read the next book in the series.  I have read all of Wanda Brunstetter’s novels, and this is the first time that one of her stories left me depressed (and unsatisfied).  

While The Protector was not my cup of tea, I suggest you download a sample to judge it for yourself.  The next book A Mifflin County Mysteries is The Peacemaker which will be out on March 3, 2025.  Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish Friends Comfort Foods Cookbook:  More than 200 Recipes that Taste like Home and Love comes out November 1.  You can find Wanda E. Brunstetter's other books here.  Thank you for joining me today.  I will return on Tuesday, August 6 with The Antique Store Detective by Clare Chase.  It is the first A Bella Winter Mystery.  I am off to the rheumatologist for poking and prodding.  I will treat myself to Chinese food on the way home (I finally found a restaurant that makes delicious pepper steak near the house).  I hope that you have a relaxing weekend. Take care and Happy Reading!  


The Avid Reader

*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book.  I am not required to leave a review.  The comments and opinions expressed are strictly my own.

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