Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Beloved Hope Chest: An Amish Heirloom Novel

Hello!  I want to thank everyone who enter What the Bishop Saw Contest. I put all the names in a hat box and had my mother draw out the winning slip.  The winner is Paula. Congratulations! The Hidden Thread by Liz Trenow will be out on May 1. Liz Trenow is the author of The Forgotten Seamstress.  Love and Death in Burgundy by Susan C. Shea and Your Killin' Heart by Peggy O'Neal Peden will be released on May 2.  So many books and not enough reading time!  

The Beloved Hope Chest by Amy Clipston is the fourth book in An Amish Heirloom Novel series.  Mattie Fisher’s daughters have slowly uncovered clues to her secret as they delved into her hope chest.  Mattie gathers Veronica, Rachel, and Emily and starts sharing the story that has she kept hidden for twenty-eight years.  It takes her back to February of 1989 to a life she had before she met their father, Leroy.  It is an emotional tale that brings back many memories and reminds her of a sad period in her life.  Pull up a chair to Mattie Fisher’s table and listen to her story in The Beloved Hope Chest.

The Beloved Hope Chest is a well-written novel that ties all the threads together from the previous three books.  Readers find out how the items the daughters found in the hope chest fit into Mattie’s journey.  The novel had a good pace, great characters, and a picturesque setting.  I sat down to read The Beloved Hope Chest and was quickly drawn into the story.  I did not stop reading until I finished the book (I was up quite late that night).  I give The Beloved Hope Chest 5 out of 5 stars.  Important issues addressed in The Beloved Hope Chest are love, faith, trusting God, forgiveness, power of prayer, and the importance of communication between couples.  The Beloved Hope Chest is not a stand-alone novel.  You need to read The Forgotten Recipe, The Courtship Basket, and The Cherished Quilt prior to The Beloved Hope Chest.  It is the only way you will understand what is happening in this final book in An Amish Heirloom Novel series.  While reading The Beloved Hope Chest, your emotions will be on a roller coaster.  I found some parts of the story to be heartbreaking.  The ending is touching.  I provided only a brief summary of the book so I would not reveal any spoilers.  I hope others will enjoy The Beloved Hope Chest as much as I did.  The Beloved Hope Chest will be available on May 9.

I hope you enjoyed my review.  I am catching up on book review work today (which means sitting at a desk, posting reviews, and copying links).  I will return on Friday with my thoughts on A Good Day to Buy by Sherry Harris.  I hope all of you have a lovely day.  Take care and Happy Reading!

The Avid Reader

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