Happy Sunday! On Sunday's I feature a book that I was unable to when it was released. Diane Kelly is a former tax advisor who may (accidentally of course) have worked with some white collar criminals. Deciding that self-employment would be a good idea, Diane began writing A Tara Holloway series (Death and Taxes). She also writes A Paw Enforcement Mystery series and A House-Flipper Mystery series. Diane has won Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award and Reviewers Choice Award. You can sign up for her newsletter here (click Newsletter Sign Up on left hand side). Diane is on Facebook, Instagram at DianeKellyBooks, Twitter @DianeKellyBooks, and Amazon. If you are in the UK, you can find her books here on Amazon.

The Long Paw of the Law by Diane
Kelly is the seventh tale in A Paw Enforcement Mystery series. Officer Megan Luz of the Fort Worth Police
Department is out patrolling with her partner, Sgt. Brigit, a K9 Officer, when
she gets a call from Seth asking her to come to the fire station
immediately. Megan rushes over to find Seth
holding a baby girl swaddled in a quilt who had been dropped off at the station
under the Texas Safe Haven Statute (and Seth is quick to hand off the baby to a
terrified Megan). When Megan examines
the quilt, she finds the word “Help” stitched into the hem along with a symbol
that resembles a peace sign. Megan
contacts Detective Audrey Jackson and child services. Megan begins looking for organizations that
use the logo from the blanket and it leads her to People of Peace led by Father
Emmanuel. They have a compound on
Benbrook Lake surrounded by high stone walls with the people having no access
to the outside world. She suspects the
baby belonged to one of the women inside the walls, but Megan does not why she
was abandoned. Megan recognizes the organization for what it is and begins keeping
an eye on the property during her off hours.
During working hours, she is investigating a string of thefts where the
criminal steals the garage door remote and then later returns to rob the
property. Megan gets a lead on the baby’s
mother thanks to Brigit and comes up with a plan. Will Megan be able to reunite mother and
baby? Can she catch the garage
bandit? Join Megan and Brigit as they
seek justice in The Long Paw of the Law.

The Long Paw of the Law by Diane
Kelly is seventh novel in A Paw Enforcement series. I found The Long Paw of the Law to be
well-written and it zipped along at a lively pace (not as fast as Brigit can eat
a treat but close). Megan Luz is a
developed character who loves her job and her partner, Brigit. I enjoy the humor interjected into the story and
the chapter’s told from Brigit’s point-of-view.
Brigit’s commentary always makes me laugh. She has a new piggy toy that oinks that she
loves to devour and squeak repeatedly. The
mysteries are complex with various twists and turns to surprise readers. There is a dramatic takedown where you know
Brigit is hoping the guilty party will run so she can give chase. I like that both mysteries wrapped up at the
end with all the details provided for readers.
The relationship between Brigit and Megan is delightful. Megan may be in charge, but Brigit has ways
of getting back at her when she feels it is needed. My only complaint is the foul language and
the intimate references. I like to read
cozy mysteries because they do not contain either of those components
traditionally. The Long Paw of the Law
can be read as a standalone, but I feel it is beneficial to read the series in
order. It allows you to watch Megan mature
as the series progresses and I believe each book is better than the
previous. I am looking forward to the
next A Paw Enforcement novel which is Paw of the Jungle. The Long Paw of the Law has a bouncing baby, a
devoted K9 companion, a hunky boyfriend, an evil cult leader, a garage bandit,
and one tenacious patrol officer.

The Long Paw of the Law (UK Version) along with the other A Paw Enforcement novels are available on Amazon. Paw of the Jungle releases on November 26. It is available for pre-order on Amazon (Amazon UK). Thank you for visiting today. I will return tomorrow with my review of Adventures in Poverty by Nancy Bolton. I hope you have a pleasurable day. Take care and Happy Reading!
The Avid Reader

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