![Batter Off Dead: A Southern Cake Baker Mystery by [Maymee Bell]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/5172D%2BuHMzL.jpg)
Good Day! A Spell of Murder by Clea Simon, The Fallen Women by Lindsey Hutchinson (I will feature this book on December 13), and Batter Off Dead by Maymee Bell are out today. The Shop Girls of Lark Lane by Pam Howes comes out tomorrow. It is the second book in The Lark Lane series. I wanted to share with you a contest hosted by author, Ellie Alexander. It is the 31 Days of Pie contest in honor of Live and Let Pie coming out on December 31. You can enter by clicking here.
Batter Off Dead by Maymee Bell
has us traveling to Rumford, Kentucky.
Sophia Cummings has opened For Goodness Sakes, a bakery, in her hometown
with the help of her best friend, Charlotte Harrington. It is Sunday and they are busy preparing the
treats for The Heart of the Town fundraiser being held that evening at Grape
Valley Winery owned by Giles Dugan. The
fundraiser is to raise funds for the new library addition. This is Sophia’s first big catering gig for
which she has laid out a significant amount of money, so she wants to make sure
that everything is perfect. At the
fundraiser, Ray Peel is making enemies left and right. He reneges on the donation he promised the
library, insults Madison Ridge, and has upset the winery owners. Sophia is on her way to the winery offices to
collect her check, when she trips and finds herself face to face with a dead
Ray Peel. Sophia quickly calls Sheriff
Carter Kincaid who races to the scene to comfort her and then takes charge of
the crime scene. The next day, Charlotte
requests that Sophia don her sleuthing cap once again. Their friend, Madison finds herself at the
top of the suspect list and her realtor clients are dropping her like a hot
potato. Sophia has her hands full since Ray had made
numerous enemies and her mother is assisting her with what she has termed
Operation Merlot. She also must create
her baked delights for the bakery and deal with a coupon issue. Someone, though, is not happy with Sophia’s
involvement and tries to dissuade her. Grab
a glass of wine and settle down to join Sophia on her latest case in Batter Off

Batter Off Dead is a humorous
cozy mystery. There are quirky
characters and a charming, small Southern town for which Tonya Kappes is known
for creating. Sophia is opening up her
bakery, but she has not worked out all the kinks yet. She is unsure whether to ask for deposits
from catering clients (the answer is yes) nor does she have them sign a
contract (every catering event should have a contract with a deposit). Catering The Heart of the Town will show
clients what For Goodness Sakes can provide, but Sophia has outlaid a large
amount of money for The Heart of the Town fundraiser. After Sophia makes a big deal about getting
paid, the matter then gets dropped and is not resolved. Sophia’s mother, Bitsy is not happy that
Sophia has stumbled over another dead body, but it tickled when Sophia asks her
to keep her ears open for helpful gossip.
Sheriff Carter Kincaid does not want Sophia sticking her nose into his
case and repeatedly warns her (he is wasting his breath). I like Maymee Bell’s (aka Tonya Kappes)
writing style. It is what I refer to as
conversational or friendly which engages the reader. It makes for an easy to read story which is
enhanced with the steady pacing and Southern humor. I recommend reading Cake and Punishment (first book in A Southern Cake Baker Mystery series) before embarking on Batter Off Dead. It
sets the stage for the rest of the series.
The mystery will have you guessing with multiple suspects who each have
a good motive to kill the victim. There are
recipes at the end for the yummy baked goods Sophia creates in her bakery. Batter Off Dead contains friendship, family,
wine, scrumptious confectionary delights, community, murder, romance and wit.
You can follow Tonya Kappes on Facebook to receive news on her upcoming books, book deals and contests. Thank you for stopping by today. I will return tomorrow to feature The Secret by Jennifer Wells. I am off to work on our Christmas decorations. I hope you have a resplendent day. Take care, remember to relax and Happy Reading!
The Avid Reader
You can follow Tonya Kappes on Facebook to receive news on her upcoming books, book deals and contests. Thank you for stopping by today. I will return tomorrow to feature The Secret by Jennifer Wells. I am off to work on our Christmas decorations. I hope you have a resplendent day. Take care, remember to relax and Happy Reading!
The Avid Reader
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