Sunday, March 28, 2021

For All She Knows by Jamie Beck

 For All She Knows

Book Summary

For All She Knows by Jamie Beck has Grace Phillips and her best friend, Mimi Gillette at odds over the upcoming vote regarding the budget for the local high school.  The school wishes to spend millions updating the sports facilities which Mimi approves of since her son, Rowan is a football player.  A football scholarship is the only way Rowan will be able to attend college.  Grace feels the funds should be spent on academics which would benefit the majority of the students.  It has caused a rift in the town and it is affecting Grace’s son, Carter.  Rowan’s football friends have been picking on Carter.  Mimi agrees to let Rowan have some of his buddies over one evening.  She is surprised to learn that Rowan invited Carter since the two boys have not been close in recent years.  Mimi is on a date when she receives a call from Rowan that there has been an accident.  Mimi arrives home to find Carter laying at the bottom of the steps with a severe injury.  Grace is indignant over what happened to her son, and she wants to make sure those who are responsible for his injuries are held accountable.  This further divides the small community of Potomac Falls and wreaks havoc with her friendship with Mimi as well as her marriage.  Litigation causes further upset.  Grace’s husband does not recognize his wife and wonders what is driving her to cause so much dissention.  Is there a chance at peace and forgiveness in Potomac Falls? 

My Thoughts

For All She Knows by Jamie Beck is the third book in the Potomac Falls series.  Each book can be read as a standalone.  For All She Knows is an emotional novel.  Grace’s son is severely injured, and she wants to make sure the people responsible pay for their crimes.  Grace’s actions divide a town, a friendship, and a family.  I thought For All She Knows contained good writing with steady pacing.  We get to see how a tragic incident can change lives in an instant.  Issues from the past rule how Grace raises her children.  She wants to make sure that her children have a safe and happy childhood.  Mimi is a mother who is laxer with the rules (opposite of Grace).  These two women are best friends until a school budget issues and then Carter’s injuries divide them.  For All She Knows deals with forgiveness, guilt, and blame.  We see how the past affects decisions made today.  The story alternates point-of-view between Mimi and Grace.  This allows us to see both sides of the issues.  Emotions pour from the pages.  Anger, fear, love, caring, hurt, and loss are some of the feelings.  I was surprised by Mimi’s thoughts toward underage drinking.  I cannot imagine allowing a teenager access to my liquor cabinet (or not locking it) or leaving beer unattended in the fridge.  Teenagers and alcohol are a bad mix.  Jamie Beck tackled some difficult subjects in For All She Knows.  Fans of this author will enjoy this poignant tale.  

For All She Knows publishes March 30 and can be pre-ordered from Amazon*.  If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, you can borrow it for free.  The other two novels in the Potomac Point series are If You Must Know and Truth of the Matter.  Both of the books are on Kindle Unlimited as well.  Thank you for visiting today.   Tomorrow I am sharing my thoughts on A New Love for Charlotte by Amy Lillard.  It is the 11th A Wells Landing Romance.  I am off to put together our new grill.  Our last one rusted away (Florida sun did a number on it along with the ocean air) before we moved.  I have been smelling barbecue around the community that had me hankering for food on the grill.  I am getting a cover for this grill to help protect it from the environment.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

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