Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chef Maurice and the Rather Fishy Tale

Chef Maurice and the Rather Fishy Tale (A Chef MauriceMystery) by J.A. Lang is a rather quirky British cozy mystery.  It is a short story (can be read in about thirty minutes) about Chef Maurice, owner of Le Cochon Rouge.  In his daily shipment of fish from Bert Soundman, the new supplier he finds a small wooden fish.  Engraved on fish is a message for help.  Chef Maurice’s old supplier, Mr. Mersters retired without any notice. Chef Maurice and Arthur Wordington-Smythe (friend and food critic) set out to investigate.  Arthur is hoping to get a story out of the investigation.  He has been forced into writing other types of stories recently in order to earn his paycheck.

It is a cute story but the mystery is very easy to solve.  I give Chef Maurice and the RatherFishy Tale 3 out of 5 stars.  I liked it, but I did not love it.  One thing to remember when reading the book is that it is written in British English.  The spelling of words can be different from American English.

Chef Maurice and the Rather Fishy Tale is available for free (at least today) on Amazon.  The next book in the series is Chef Maurice and a Spot of Truffle.  It will be out on April 7, 2015.

Thank you for reading my review.  I am currently reading Claimed by Sarah Fine.  It is the second book in the Servants of Fate series.  I hope you are having  a wonderful weekend!  Happy Reading!



  1. Any idea where I can get a copy of this?

    1. I suggest contacting the author through Goodreads ( since the book is not listed on Amazon. I hope this helps.
