Sunday, February 28, 2021

Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake


Book Summary

Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake has Kari Stuart impulsively buying Serenity Sanctuary with her lottery winnings when she learns about the overcrowding at the local shelters.  Serenity Sanctuary was forced to close its doors when Daisy Parker ran out of funds.  Kari will be using a significant portion of her winnings to make badly needed renovations to the pet sanctuary.  Kari learns that Daisy has been hounded by the local animal warden for the last few months.  They must go to court that week because he states Buster, one of the mildest dogs in the place, escaped and bit someone.  Kari has a loud disagreement with the bully after court.  Three days later, Kari is awakened at 1 a.m. by the dogs barking.  Kari and her black kitten, Queenie find Bill Myers, the animal warden, dead outside the fence of the sanctuary with a shovel nearby.  Sheriff Richardson has Kari at the top of his suspect list with Daisy beneath her.  Kari and the ladies at the shelter decide to take matters into their own hands and find Myers killer.  Someone, though, is not happy with their meddling and wreaks havoc at the sanctuary.  Can Kari and the ladies find the killer before more damage is done and Buster ends up on death row?

My Thoughts

Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake is the debut of A Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery series.  I enjoyed reading Furbidden Fatality.  It is filled with spunky, smart women who have a soft spot for animals.  There are also two men who care about fur babies and were friendly with Kari.  The animals in the book were adorable especially Queenie.  She is one smart kitten (handy with shoelaces).  I thought Furbidden Fatality was well-written with steady pacing.  There is humor scattered throughout that provided giggles, chuckles, and laugh-out-loud moments.    Kari Stuart is twenty-nine years old with a useless college degree.  She has been working as a waitress and living in a rundown apartment.  Kari recently won five million dollars, but she is not sure what to do with the money.  When Kari catches a black kitten that has been left outside her apartment, she takes it to the local shelter.  She learns it is full along with all the other shelters in town.  That is when Kari learns that Serenity Sanctuary had to close because of lack of funds and problems with the animal warden.  Kari has found a purpose for her life and for her money.  When the animal warden ends up dead outside the pet sanctuary, Kari along with two female volunteers and her best friend set out to find the killer.  There are several good suspects along with misdirection.  The mystery was filled with action that kept the book moving at a brisk pace.  I like that the author describes the pet sanctuary, Kari’s new home, the town, and the people.  She manages to strike a balance between not enough information and too much.  There is mild foul language in the book. I am looking forwarding to reading the next A Catskills Pet Rescue MysteryFurbidden Fatality is a doggone entertaining tale with a crafty feline, an aggressive animal warden, valued volunteers, piles of poop, a bothersome brother, and an abundance of animals in need of anodyne accommodation.

Furbidden Fatality can be purchased from Amazon*.  The next A Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery is Doggone Deadly which publishes November 2.  You can find Deborah Blake's other books here.  Thank you for stopping by today and reading my review.  I hope everyone has had a good February.  It is hard to believe that this is the last day of the month.  I will be sharing my thoughts on The Robin's Greeting by Wanda E. Brunstetter tomorrow.  It is the final book in the Amish Greenhouse Mystery series.   May you have a happy day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer


Book Summary

From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer has Jase Edgar relocating to Bradleyville, Kansas after the death of his fiancé.  Jase is the new youth minister at Beech Street Bible Fellowship where he works with Brother Martin Kraft and his wife Sister Leah Kraft.  At his welcoming party, Jase meets Lori Fowler who helped with the food.  He loves the brownies she brought that were made by her friend, Kenzie. Lori has a whole in her heart from the loss of her mother.  She can understand Jason’s feelings.  When her hours are cut back at the quilt shop where she works, Lori takes the position as custodian at the church.  This gives her an opportunity to interact with Jase.  Kenzie Stetler grew up Amish, but she did not become baptized in the faith.  She uses her grandmother’s loom to make rugs that help support missions. She receives a large box of clothing from Texas that will be cut up to make the rugs.  Inside a pocket, Kenzie finds a diamond and gold engagement ring with an inscription.  Kenzie wants to return it to its rightful owner.  Lori, Jase, and Kenzie each have issues they need to work through with help from their friend’s, fellow church members, and God’s assistance if they are to have fulfilling and happy lives.

Youth Group and their Youth Pastor

My Thoughts 

From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer is a heartwarming and emotional novel.  It is well-written with developed characters.  The point-of-view switches between our main characters:  Pastor Kraft, Jase, Kenzie, and Lori.  We get to know each of them along with other members of the congregation.  It gives us a chance to learn about their issues and struggles.  From This Moment is an emotional novel.  Jase is struggling with his faith after the loss of his fiancé, Rachel.  Lori is a bubbly, friendly woman who still misses her mother.  She deals with her problems by indulging in food.  Lori is smitten with Jase from the moment she saw him.  Kenzie may have left her Amish community behind, but she cannot give up everything she learned.  When she finds a ring in donated clothing, Kenzie is determined to find the ring’s owner.  Kenzie has not seen her family in years, and she misses them.  I enjoyed getting to know each character as they worked through their struggles.  From This Moment deals with love, acceptance, friendship, faith, humility, hope, and loss.  We get to see God at work and what happens when we follow the path He has set out for us.  We see that God truly does work in mysterious ways.  I enjoyed reading this touching story.  I especially liked the descriptions of Kenzie’s loom, the process of making the rugs, and how it made Kenzie feel.  Kenzie’s brownie recipe is included.  Kim Vogel Sawyer has given us a compelling story with From This Moment that you will not want to put down. 

From This Moment can be purchased from Amazon*.  You can find Kim Vogel Sawyer's other novels here.  Thank you for joining me today.  Next time I am featuring Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake.  It is the first book in A Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery series.  I hope that you have a lively day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Friday, February 26, 2021

A Side of Murder by Amy Pershing: Review, Excerpt, and Giveaway!


About A Side of Murder


A Side of Murder (A Cape Cod Foodie Mystery) 

Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Publisher: Berkley (February 23, 2021) 

Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages 


Beautiful Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is known for seafood, sand, surf and now … murder.

Samantha Barnes was always a foodie. And when the CIA (that’s the Culinary Institute of America) came calling, she happily traded in Cape Cod for the Big Apple. But then the rising young chef’s clash with another chef (her ex!) boils over and goes viral. So when Sam inherits a house on the Cape and lands a job writing restaurant reviews, it seems like the perfect pairing. What could go wrong? Well, as it turns out, a lot.

The dilapidated house comes with an enormous puppy. Her new boss is, well, bossy. And the town’s harbor master is none other than her first love. Nonetheless, Sam’s looking forward to reviewing the Bayview Grill—and indeed the seafood chowder is divine. But the body in the pond outside the eatery was not on the menu. Sam is certain this is murder. But as she begins to stir the pot, is she creating a recipe for her own untimely demise?

“Cape Cod provides a stunning background for a debut that offers the ideal combination of mystery, romance, and recipes.” Kirkus Reviews

“An exquisite Cape Cod setting, a shamed but resilient chef, murderous secrets, and a long-buried but still steaming romance… Amy Pershing’s debut mystery will leave you longing for a seaside vacation, complete with fried clams and the next book in her charming series.” Lucy Burdette, national bestselling author of THE KEY LIME CRIME

“This is one of the freshest, funniest murder mysteries I’ve ever read. I fell absolutely in love with Samantha Barnes — the brave, sarcastic, crime-solving, relatable heroine we’ve all been waiting for. A Side of Murder is a rich, satisfying meal that delights from beginning to end, and Amy Pershing is a wonderful and clever author.” Elizabeth Gilbert, #1 New York Times bestselling author of EAT PRAY LOVE and CITY OF GIRLS

“A delicious mystery lovingly set in Cape Cod featuring a cast of charming characters. Amy Pershing writes with a fresh fun voice that will delight cozy fans. Chef turned restaurant critic Samantha Barnes proves a clever sleuth whose helpful cooking tips will be a big hit with culinary readers.” Krista Davis, New York Times bestselling author of the DOMESTIC DIVA mysteries


About Amy Pershing

Amy Pershing is a lifelong mystery lover and wordsmith who spent every summer of her childhood on Cape Cod. In her previous incarnations she was an assistant editor at Viking Penguin, a restaurant reviewer for Playbill magazine’s Restaurant Reporter, and a journalist at the Rome (Italy) Daily American before eventually going on to lead employee communications at a global bank. A few years ago (with the final college tuition bill paid), she waved goodbye to Wall Street in order to write full time (and spend more time sailing on Cape Cod!). A Side of Murder is the first book in the Cape Cod Foodie mystery series featuring Samantha Barnes, a disgraced but resilient ex-chef and the world’s most reluctant YouTube star. While Sam tries to balance her new job as the local paper’s “Cape Cod Foodie” with her complicated love life, a posse of just-slightly-odd friends, a falling-down house and a ginormous puppy, she also discovers a new talent – a propensity for falling over dead bodies … and for solving crime.

Author Links

My Thoughts

A Side of Murder by Amy Pershing is the debut of A Cape Code Foodie Mystery series.  Samantha “Sam” Barnes is a chef who is returning home to Fair Harbor, Massachusetts.  Sam’s professional and personal life in New York City derailed after a passerby posted a video on You-tube of an argument between Sam and her fiery tempered husband.  When she learns she has inherited her Great-Aunt Ida’s home, Sam decides to head back to Cape Code temporarily.  She gets a job at the Cape Cod Clarion writing restaurant reviews and food features.  Her first assignment takes Sam and her friends to the Bayview Grille.  After dinner, Sam takes a walk outside where she finds Estelle Kobolt dead in the water.  The death is ruled accidental, but Sam’s instinct tells her it is murder.  Sam decides to do a little digging on her own to see who wished Estelle dead.  A Side of Murder is easy to read with mixed pacing.  The author took the time to establish the setting of Fair Harbor in Cape Code.  There are beautiful descriptions of the beach plus detailed word images of the food, Great-Aunt Ida’s house, and Diogi.  We get to meet Sam’s childhood friends, Miles and Jenny along with the editor-in-chief of the Cape Cod Clarion, Krista Baker and Sam’s neighbor, Helene Greenberg.  The mystery was straightforward with a couple of suspects, misdirection, and subtle clues.  I would have liked more time devoted to the mystery and for it to be more complex.  The whodunit is focused on more in the latter half of the book.  My favorite phrase from A Side of Murder is, “Danger Will Robinson” when Krista charms Sam into taking the job at the paper.  There is romance for Sam in the form of an old crush.  They are attracted to each other and there is chemistry between them.  A Side of Murder is a breezy cozy mystery with fine food, a cute canine, an insistent editor-in-chief, fun friends, a gone guzzler, a hunky harbormaster, and a beautiful beach.  


“Okay, so here’s how it’s gonna go down.”

            I looked sternly at my dining companions, who were eyeing me warily over the rims of their wine glasses.  They were not used to me looking at them sternly. 

            “We order one meat, one vegetarian, one seafood and one pasta entree.”

            “Pasta doesn’t count as vegetarian?”

            That was Jenny, a mother of three with the body of a sixteen-year-old that she proudly claims is the result of her dedicated meat-and-potatoes-only diet. She was probably worried that I was going to make her order eggplant.

            “No.  Pasta doesn’t count as vegetarian,” I explained.  “Some restaurants like to think it counts as vegetarian, but that’s how vegetarians get fat.  That and too much cheese.  No, a real vegetarian entrée is about vegetables.  Maybe with grains or legumes, but the focus is on vegetables, like a ratatouille.”

            “Sorry I asked,” Jenny muttered to Miles, who was sitting next to her and had been quietly entertaining himself by checking out the other patrons at the Bayview Grille. “What’s a legume anyway?” she asked him.

            Miles looked at her like she’d just arrived from Mars. Miles is a farmer.  What he doesn’t know about legumes isn’t worth knowing.  “Beans, lentils, chickpeas, that kind of thing,” he said. “How do you not know that?”

            Jenny shuddered.  “I don’t eat ‘that kind of thing.’ ”

            I tried to continue with their instructions.  “Appetizers can be anything you like…”

            “Well, hallelujah,” Miles said.  He poked Jenny in the side with one massive elbow, almost knocking her off her chair.  “I’d like that cutie pie over there at the bar.”

  I ignored him. 

            “Anything you like,” I repeated, “but it needs to make sense with your entrée.”

            “I’m lost,” said Helene, running a ring-bejeweled hand through her mane of silver curls.  Helene was Fair Haven’s new librarian. I’d known her exactly 24 hours and couldn’t imagine anyone less like a librarian.

            “I’ve been eating out for 40 years,” she said, “and I never once worried if my appetizer made sense with my entrée.  I don’t even know what that means.”

            I sighed.  Well, no one had ever said writing restaurant reviews for the Cape Cod Clarion was going to be easy. Actually, I reflected, that wasn’t true.  I was the one who had said it would be easy.

            I tried to clarify. “It means that if you’re having the hanger steak for your entrée…”

            “That’s mine!” Jenny said, suddenly all in.  “I call I claim the hanger steak.”

            I call I claim? What is she, six?

            “And a half dozen Wellfleet oysters to start,” she added.

            Jenny always had oysters to start.  And, as these were Wellfleet oysters, which are universally acknowledged to be the best on the Cape (and all Cape Cod oysters are awesome), I was surprised she wasn’t starting with a dozen.

            “That’s fine,” I said.  “A classic pairing.”

Spaghetti Tree

            I turned back to Helene.  “If, like Jenny, you’re having the hanger steak,” I explained, “you don’t want to order the barbeque sliders as a starter.”

            She nodded thoughtfully.  At least Helene was taking this seriously.  But then she ruined it by saying, “Actually, barbeque followed by steak sounds yummy.”

            I gave up.

            “I’ll order for all of you,” I announced.  “And once we get our food and you’ve had a chance to taste and consider your choices, I will discretely exchange plates with each of you, one by one, and sample each dish.  Then we’ll discretely switch back again. We’ll go clockwise around the table, starting with Helene.” 

            “I’m lost again,” Helene fake-whispered to Miles.

            “Don’t you worry, honey,” he said.  “Wait until she gets a glass or two of wine into her.  Then we can do whatever we want.”

            He grinned at me, looking exactly like the overgrown five-year-old he was.  If five year olds had big, hairy lumberjack beards.

            I began to worry for real.  My dining companions were definitely not taking my first foray into restaurant reviewing seriously enough.  And Miles was right about the two glasses of wine.  I was a notoriously cheap date.  But I was also the night’s designated driver, so no worries there.

            “No wine for me,” I said firmly, more to myself than to Miles.  “Even if it kills me.”

            A poor choice of words, as it turned out.

A Side of Murder is available from AmazonBarnes & NobleBookshop.orgBooks A Million, Indiebound, TargetHudson Booksellers, and Powells.  The next A Cape Cod Foodie Mystery is An Eggnog to Die For which publishes November 2.  Would you like to win a print copy of A Side of Murder (US Only)?  Click here to enter or use the Rafflecopter form below.  Good Luck!  Thank you for stopping by today.  From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer will be featured tomorrow.  I hope you have a sunny day.  Do not forget to leave a comment for an extra entry in the contest.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!  


The Avid Reader

Tour Participants

February 23 – Ascroft, eh? - CHARACTER INTERVIEW 

February 23 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT 

February 24 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT 

February 25 – Christy's Cozy Corners – GUEST POST 

February 25 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - REVIEW 
February 26 – I Read What You Write – CHARACTER GUEST POST 

February 26 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW 

February 27 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW 

February 27 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT 

February 28 – Literary Gold – CHARACTER GUEST POST 
February 28 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW 

March 1 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT 

March 2 – Novels Alive – REVIEW 

March 2 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST 

March 2 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW 

March 3 – Ruff Drafts – RECIPE 

March 4 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW 

March 5 – Cozy Up With Kathy - REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW 

March 6 – ebook addicts - SPOTLIGHT 

March 7 – Diane Reviews Books – GUEST POST 

March 8 – Melina's Book Blog – REVIEW

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Frothy Foul Play by Tonya Kappes


Book Summary

Frothy Foul Play by Tonya Kappes has the town of Honey Springs buzzing about the opening of Crissy Lane’s Bee Happy Resort with its holistic health spa.  Roxy Bloom is curious as to the identity of Crissy’s investor, but Crissy is keeping the person’s identity under wraps.  She has made Roxy promise to attend the grand opening, but Roxy has a staffing problem.  Loretta Bebe happens to have a solution with her granddaughter, Birdie.  Roxy might have her hands full with Birdie whose behavioral problems are the reasons she is in Honey Springs.  Tom Foster is a reporter with Healthy Women’s Magazine who plans to do a feature on Crissy’s new spa.  After Tom has an encounter with Birdie, Roxy learns that the reporter is known for his caustic reviews that have caused enterprises to go out of business.  At the grand opening, Roxy is looking out of the window of a guest room when she observes someone killing Tom Foster.  Unfortunately, Roxy’s new employee becomes the prime suspect and Loretta insists on Roxy using her skills to prove Birdie’s innocence.  Can Roxy clear Birdie’s name or will Loretta’s granddaughter become one caged bird?

My Thoughts

Frothy Foul Play by Tonya Kappes is the 9th novel in A Killer Coffee Mystery series.  It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series.  Everything a reader needs to know is included.  Roxy Bloom owns the Bean Hive in Honey Springs, Kentucky where she roasts her own beans for unique blends of coffee for her customers plus bakes up sweet treats.  She is happily married to Patrick Cane and they have two fur babies at home.  I always enjoy diving into one of Tonya Kappes’ lighthearted tales.  I like the author’s conversational writing style which makes the story a joy to read.  This humorous tale moved along at a quick pace which had me finishing it in a couple of hours.  The series has a cast of developed, quirky characters that includes Maxi Bloom, Loretta Bebe, and Bunny.  The author’s word imagery brought the town to life for me.  The interactions between Roxy and Birdie are great.  I like Birdie who is a great addition to the series.   The mystery surrounding the death of Tom Foster had several good suspects.  Anyone of them could have done the deed.  There are clues to help the reader solve the crime if you are paying close attention.  There is a secondary mystery that is driving Roxy crazy.  She wants to know the identity of Crissy’s investor.  The person is quite a shocker.  Pepper and Sassy are so cute, and I love reading about their antics.  There is an adorable black kitten up for adoption who needs a forever home and a name.  The humor scattered throughout the story keeps it fun and lighthearted.  I enjoyed visiting Honey Springs, Kentucky and I look forward to catching up the Bean Hive family again soon.   Frothy Foul Play is a lively cozy mystery with a cute kitten, a departed reporter, killer coffee, a covert backer, a new employee, and a bevy of baked goods.

Frothy Foul Play is available from Amazon* along with the other novels in A Killer Coffee Mystery series.  You can find Tonya Kappes' other novels here.  Tonya Kappes has Paddlers, Promises, and Poison publishing on March 25.  It is the 16th A Camper & Criminals Cozy Mystery.  Thank you for visiting today.  I am a stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour tomorrow for A Side of Murder by Amy Pershing. It is the debut of A Cape Cod Foodie Mystery series.  I hope you will join me and that you have a peaceful day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Werewolves of London by Angie Fox


Book Summary

Werewolves of London by Angie Fox has Dr. Petra Robichaud being asked an important question when an interrupted by an emergency.  Galen has returned wounded and he has brought a severely wounded woman with him.  Galen broke her heart when he left.  Petra may have moved on with Marc, but she has not forgotten the wonderful warrior.  She does not have time to dwell on the repercussions of Galen’s return because the cease fire is over.  Wounded begin pouring into the camp and to top it off, a new prophecy is announced. As if Petra does not have enough going on, she receives an invitation to Medusa’s baby shower.  The Gorgon will soon give birth, but first Petra must come up with a baby gift before her transport arrives.  What role will Petra play in the latest prophecy?  Why does Galen’s return signal?  Is there a way to end this blasted war forever? 

My Thoughts

Werewolves of London by Angie Fox is the final novel in The Monster MASH trilogy.  While this paranormal tale can be read as a standalone, I recommend reading the series in order.  It will give you a better understanding of the characters and what is happening.  Angie Fox has given us another engaging story with unique characters, interesting storyline, and plenty of humor.  Everything comes to a head in Werewolves of London.  There is plenty going on in this book.  Petra’s current boyfriend, Marc is ready for the next step, but Petra has yet to get over Galen.  Galen, the former demigod, returns with a wounded dragon shifter who has had dreams of Petra, the one who can see the dead.  The cease fire is over which has wounded pouring into the MASH unit.  They need to keep Galen and his guest under wraps.  Petra will have to trust others if they are going to pull it off.  A new prophecy is announced that involves Petra and a bronze weapon.  It is time for Medusa’s baby shower and Petra’s attendance is requested (it is not a good idea to say no to a pregnant Gorgon).  Medusa will give birth soon and Petra has no idea what to expect.  Petra must also figure out which man is the right one for her.  I laughed often while reading the Werewolves of London. Medusa’s baby shower and the Gorgon birth were a riot.  I enjoy Angie Fox’s conversational writing style which makes her stories a joy to read.  The climax was fabulous with a charming ending.  Werewolves of London is a diverting tale with outrageous oracles, a crazed chimera, a gorgeous Galen, a wistful werewolf, an offbeat baby shower, a bothersome bronze blade, and puzzling prophecies.  

Werewolves of London can be obtained from Amazon*.  The other novels in The Monster MASH Trilogy are The Monster MASH and The Transylvania Twist.  You can find Angie Fox's other novels here.  Angie has The Haunted Homecoming releases August 17.  It is the 10th book in The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries starring Verity Long, Frankie, and Lucy.  Thank you for stopping by today and reading my review.  On Thursday, I am featuring Frothy Foul Play by Tonya Kappes.  It is the 9th A Killer Coffee Mystery.  I hope you have a killer day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Farm to Trouble by Amanda Flower


Book Summary

Farm to Trouble by Amanda Flower has Shiloh Bellamy returning home to Cherry Glen, Michigan after fifteen years.  Her father needs her help revitalizing the family farm.  Shiloh intends to turn it into an organic farm-to-fork farm with, eventually, a café.  In order to accomplish her goals, Shiloh needs an investor and her father left it up to her.  Unfortunately, Shiloh picked the wrong man with Jefferson Crocker who has his own agenda.  Shiloh had no idea that the man has been buying up surrounding land for a wind farm that the whole town is against.  Shiloh arrives at the farmer’s market to meet Crocker the next day and finds him dead from a gunshot wound next to the honey booth.  The owner of the booth is quick to point her finger at Shiloh as the guilty party.  Police Chief Randy Killian has Shiloh at the top of his suspect list as well as her father, Sully.  Before Shiloh can get to work on fixing up the farm, she must find Crocker’s killer.  

My Thoughts

Farm to Trouble by Amanda Flower is the first book in A Farm to Table Mystery series.  It contains Amanda Flower’s engaging writing style that makes the story easy to read.  The author took the time to develop the characters and establish the setting.  Shiloh Bellamy left Cherry Glen, Michigan fifteen years ago after the death of her fiancé, Logan.  Her father, Sully injured his back and has asked Shiloh to return to help with the family farm.  She quits her job, sells her home, and cashes in her 401K.  Unfortunately, her father had sizeable debts which took all of Shiloh’s funds.  She now needs an investor if she is to restore the farm and make it a success as an organic farm.  Unfortunately, Shiloh is not privy to the local gossip and picks the wrong man to invest in the venture.  When the investor ends up dead, Shiloh along with her father are prime suspects.  Shiloh talks to various people in the town trying to get information to help her solve the murder. I hope we see more active investigating in future books along with action.  There were little things that pointed at the killers’ identity.  There is a secondary mystery involving money that Grandma Bellamy saved and hid away for Shiloh.  She needs to figure out the clues if she wants to find it and save the farm.  I like that we get to know Shiloh, her father, her cousin, various friends of Shiloh’s, and some of the townspeople.  I enjoyed the descriptions of the Cherry Glen and the farm.  Huckleberry, Shiloh’s pug dog, is a show stealer.  He is such a cutie.  Other scene stealers are Esmerelda the cat and Hazel, Quinn Killian’s eleven-year-old daughter.  I have a feeling there will be a romance blooming between Quinn and Shiloh in the future.  I thought the author captured the small town feel especially with the people’s attitudes.   This was a cute story that I enjoyed reading.  I look forward to the next A Farm to Table Mystery.  Farm to Trouble is a charming cozy mystery with gossip galore, an insatiable investor, a high-strung hound named Huckleberry, tasty cherry treats, a cute convertible, and a mystifying treasure quest.  

Farm to Trouble is available from Amazon*.  Amanda Flower has Lemon Drop Dead coming out April 27.  It is the 6th book in An Amish Candy Shop Mystery series.  You can find Amanda Flower's other novels here.  Thank you for visiting today.  Tomorrow I am reviewing Werewolves of London by Angie Fox.  It is the third and final book in The Monster MASH Trilogy.  I hope that all of you have a cheery day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Wedding Day and Foul Play by Duffy Brown: A Book Blast with Giveaway!


Wedding Day and Foul Play (A Consignment Shop Mystery) by Duffy Brown


Wedding Day and Foul Play (A Consignment Shop Mystery)

Wedding cake on top of the table, a dead body underneath and a favorite auntie accused of putting it there is no way to start a marriage.

It’s been one-hundred-and-eighty-three days and fourteen hours since Reagan Summerside tripped across yet another dead body but hopes of her Savannah wedding to Walker Boone going off without a hitch are dashed, when a corpse is found under the cake table and Auntie KiKi is accused of putting it there. Can Reagan and Walker find the killer without him finding them first, or will their new address be Bonaventure Cemetery?

About Duffy Brown

Duffy Brown loves anything with a mystery. While others girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. She is a National Bestselling author and now conjures up who-done-it stories of her very own. She has two series the Consignment Shop Mysteries set in Savannah along with rescue pup Bruce Willis and the Cycle Path Mysteries set on Mackinac Island with judgmental cats Cleveland and Bambino. 

Author Links

Wedding Day and Foul Play is available from AmazonIt can also be borrowed through Kindle Unlimited.  You can find the other novels in A Consignment Shop Mystery series here.  Check out Duffy Brown's other novel here.  The other is giving away two of her Foul Day and Wedding Day totes.  If you would like to win, please leave a comment with your email address (so I can contact you if you win).  The contest ends on February 23 at 11:59 p.m.  Good Luck!  Thank you for visiting.  I will return tomorrow with Farm to Trouble by Amanda Flower.  It is the first book in A Farm to Table Mystery series.  I hope you have a carefree day.  Take care, be kind, and Happy Reading!


The Avid Reader

Wedding Day and Foul Play Book Blast


*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.